Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Baby Steps

I am blessed to see that as I am see a pile of sponsor letters still needing to be sent, that I also have an evergrowing pile of checks. The subject to change, total cost of Gabon is looking like $3,500 at the moment. Guatemala is $1,375; however I am likely to stay a few additional days with a select group from my team, and that adds an additional $200. I never thought that I would be able to raise over $5,000 in a few short months and yet God is showing me that He provides.

In Matthew, Jesus graciously proclaims that if we ask, it will be given to us; if we seek, we will find; if we knock, the door will be open. This is such a living testament to my journey right now. I have to trust that if I ask, He'll provide the money. I have to seek His will, and in that He'll show up in miraculous ways. I have to knock, to be persistent and really want it, and He will open the doors to providing for me.

Even though Guatemala is just over 2 months away and Gabon right after, God is teaching me the baby steps; He is leaning over me and holding my fingers to help me along. I can't take giant steps or even run yet because I am still learning, I am still in the process of searching, I am still relying on Him. And even when I will be able to run, I will have to learn to go to Him for my living water and strength. It's beautiful how when we develop in one area, a new reliance factor appears, reminding us that we will always need God. :)