Monday, January 10, 2011

Call Me Princessa

It was a week full of surprises and memories.  I thank God for the friendships built with the guys I travelled with, for the connections made in El Salvador (especially with the missionary family there), and for the revelations that He chose to reveal on this trip.  I hadn't planned on going to El Salvador, for the conference there had been postponed a year.  For some reason, my dad continued the process of connecting me with Jason Ostrander, the national director with Envision and Alliance missions.  I didn't know what I was going down to do, so I was surprised and completely in awe of how God ordained each and every day.  It was totally out of my control, and so I know that everything that happened was on His agenda.  Here are some of the highlights:
     ~I only knew Jason prior to the trip, and that was only one-way as I only recognized him from past LIFE conferences but he didn't know me.  So it was amazing to get to know him, his assistant Christian, and three crazy Hmongs.  Haha.
     ~It was great to connect with a missionary family there, to understand the joys and struggles of having a family overseas, and to learn about Richard's vision for El Salvador and Central America as a whole.  I could see myself connecting in that vision, and that excites me! :)
    ~The last day, when we were at a resort to relax and unwind, we met a family who were Christians.  We had a sweet, sweet time with them fellowshipping and singing worship songs by campfire one night. Two of the guys are around 20, and we're hoping to stay connected with them so that we can include them in next year's conference.
   ~I was on the nightly news in San Salvador (the captial), survived an earthquake, climbed a volcano, and was attacked by a monkey.  Haha. :)