Thursday, June 7, 2012


I'm sorry for the delay in writing a post since I've been here.  We've traveled hours each day in a bus or van, making our way from Lima, Peru to Huaticocha, Ecuador and then returning back to Trujillo where I will work and serve for the summer.  The training was called "The Amazing Race" and beside not stopping to rest during those 10 days, we ate some gross things, pushed our bodies to physical limits, and were able to bond incredibly as a team.  (If you really want to know, we ate palm worms, cow stomach, chicken feet, boar, and chicha--a drink that is composed of chewed up yuka mixed with spit from everyone in the village.)

We unpacked and settled in Trujillo this morning, and it has been really nice to get to know the missionary family, especially the kids, and the workers who will be here this summer.  I have loved getting to know my fellow interns; they already feel like family so I can't imagine how close we'll be in August.

Here are a few prayer requests:
-There is only internet on a missionary's computer here at the albergue, the place we'll stay and work at in Trujillo.  So when I want to skype, check my email, update my blog, etc.  I have to go to Starbucks at the mall, which is a 40 minute bus ride away.  It's a curveball I thought I missed, but please pray that I continue to have a good attitude.  This, right now, is helping me be here 100%, especially mentally and emotionally, but it's been hard.
-We, as interns, have to do a creative project-- something with the natives here that will bless or help them.  I'm pretty sure God has put a huge but exciting project on my heart.  Please, please pray that I am following His voice and also that I will be able to get working right away!  More details to come... :)
-The first two teams come tomorrow night and while I'm not one of the interns to take the 10-hour bus ride to pick them up in Lima, we will be extremely busy for the next 10 days.  Pray that the interns will be able to watch as the missionaries lead the first set and then that we are able to lead with God's strength for the rest of the summer.

Thank you for your prayers!  I am safe, a little sunburnt, and soaking up God's presence!!!  I have had some of this morning and this afternoon to rest, and it has been a much appreciated change of pace, BUT I am so excited for the teams to come and for us to get into the community and get to know the people here in Trujillo.


  1. Blessings to you and the team. Glad to hear things are going well. We will be praying.

    Mr. & Mrs. Davis

  2. Great to hear you are doing well! Keep us updated as much as you can :)
    Love you sister!!!!
