Tuesday, July 21, 2009


This morning, I woke up at 6:30, not sure why because it wasn't the screaming of an alarm or the honking of buses in the midmorning traffic. After pretty much packing up all of my stuff, I had a while to listen to some worship music and read my Bible as a sort of devotional time. So I walked onto my little balcony, settled down into a chair, took a glance at the surrounding mountains, and then randomly leafed to a chapter in Psalm, as I normally do to start my devotional time. Today, the chapter was Psalm 125, and it directly talked about God protecting and surrounding us just as the mountains in Jerusalem did for the Isrealites. At that point, I didn't know whether Stephen and Brian would be traveling with me, so I felt this peace knowing that just as the mountains surrounded me at that moment, so God would surround me as I travel, if I had to travel alone.

Well, right now I'm sitting in the Guatemala City airport and I am not alone...Stephen was healthy enough and Brian not sick enough. So, although they're sick, they can at least travel with me - a huge answer to prayer.

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