Monday, July 27, 2009

Packing Up Again

So, I'm heading off to Gabon in less than 48 hours, which means that I have less than 2 days to prepare not just my suitcase but also my heart... I didn't think that it would be this tough, this demanding, this draining to go on two missions trips, almost back to back. But it is...and I'm kinda struggling. I don't know where to put the spiritual high from Guatemala as I need to focus once more and prepare for another in Gabon.

Anyways, I'm packing, or at least attempting. The Guatemala clothes have been washed, folded, and then placed on my floor to be repacked. But, here goes- clothes are worn and torn, faded and made of memories; they have literally stepped into our shoes to experience everything that makes and breaks our lives. And so my clothes hold a meaning, have captured memories, and I'm not sure that they have room to be filled with more meanings and memories. I guess we'll just have to see...

The clothes on my floor, folded and arranged in a rainbow of fabrics, but it's becoming a flood of colors. Tomorrow morning the team comes over, all 7 of us, and we're going to pack all of our food for the 13 days, all of our supplies for the activities, all of everything we think we may need. But what must be packed is a prepared heart, and that takes time to foster, to grow, to nuture, to encourage, to trim.

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