Friday, July 29, 2011

See You Later

Today is my last day at Rainbow Pencil Group, a place where kids who live in the slums of Bangkok can come and "learn."  Now, why I put learn in quotation marks is because there is some learning, for they aren't able to go to school during the weeks and thus, this is their school; but more than that, our impact on the kids is not in teaching what they would typically learn.  We play with them, laugh with them, eat with them, dance with them, sing with them, smile with them...  And today is our last day to be with them, which will be extremely hard for some as they've built strong connections that will seem to rip apart when they take those final steps back towards the Guest House, turning back to see the mob of barefoot children waving.  And I think that I can say I'll be one of those having a hard time.  I won't cry uncontrollably, but those children touched my heart with their generosity, their hugs, and the little inside jokes I have with some of them.  Here are a few pictures for you to look at so you can understand some of the love that pours our of their little lives. :)

                                        This is the group of children that we have each week.

                                 This is Mo Chit-- sweet on the outside, feisty on the inside!

           These girls came for the first time a week ago, and I have connected to them so well!

 This is Pik-- he was a friend of Toulee and Tang, the missionaries, when they did their internship here a few years ago.  6 months after they got home, they got an email saying that Pik was now a Christian.  Because of this, he has started Rainbow Pencil Group-- this place where young professionals come to care for slum kids by volunteering their time.  He is quite the character. :)

                                                                 Tang Thai-- suai!

P.S. This is titled "See You Later" because I am not a fan of goodbyes.  So here's to seeing you later, if not in this world, then I pray that it is in Heaven as we come together to praise and worship our Father. :)

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